Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Albany Project: Day Two

After a second long, productive day, the end -- while still distant -- is almost in sight!

The Jericho Theater risers are finished, as is the drywalling in that room -- next comes the taping and mudding. Unknown for the time being is how the rug will be re-attached on the surface. Ron and Jim moved on to drywall the hall closet and finished hanging that by day's end. The door jambs to both the closet and Jericho Theater need re-framing before the doors can be re-hung to complete these areas.

In the Oasis, three of the four walls are drywalled and the insulation is all in place. Two of the corners are done, but these places have been slow-going, as has the pyramid ceiling. This ceiling is over half done but the taping and mudding remain here, too.

The plumbing is finished in the Arts and Crafts area and the sink is in place. The counter and storage area have yet to be completed.

At Sinai Stage, almost all of the drywall work has been finished and all of the large stage extensions are assembled -- two other, triangular pieces remain.

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