Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Albany Project: Day Three

Well, today we were supposed to finish, but we didn't make it. Much ground has been covered -- many walls drywalled including the Oasis pyramid, the risers and sink are in place, and the taping and mudding begun -- and yet there is much remaining to be completed.

A reduced crew, less than half the number we had to start, will work the next two days. Perhaps by the end of the week the mudding will be close to being finished. This will include installation of the corner beads and trim around the arch above the stage.

Once again today we were fed a delicious lunch by the Deacons of the church. They have done this all three days and will continue through Friday. Our evening meals are prepared by Joanne, Marcia and Rose Ann. All this good food has helped to keep us going. We truly appreciate all that everyone has done to support our efforts!

Several church members, Marilyn and Phillip, Leslie, Mike, Douglas, and Ray, have worked with us, increasing our output. Miriam and Glenn Leupold, the pastoral team serving the church, have occasionally been able to join us for lunch or dinner. Miriam has also gone the second mile of greeting us each morning with fresh coffee, as we gather in the parking lot.

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