Tuesday, October 27, 2009

NOLA: Day Two

The skies opened up last night and dropped some more rain on the Crescent City. It continued raining in the morning, but then slowed and cleared enough for some of our roofers to return to their work. Others on the crew were moved to a third house to do work that would not be slowed by rain. By the end of the day, however, our intrepid roofers had entirely papered all of the roof and shingled about half of it.

On our second house progress was made on the new front porch. Interior painting and cable wiring continued, as well as the plumbing. There is a good chance that this house will be finished by the end of the week.

At the new third house, old water and drain lines were cut and removed to make way for the new plumbing. Underneath the main rim joist where the flooring has been removed, two new temporary piers were erected. These will be used as part of the solution to a four inch floor sag. Additionally, the first step in addressing other joist issues was begun. Much work remains to be done.

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